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Assessment of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of populations in coastal areas of England: a case study of Mablethorpe and surrounding area

Theme A

Seventeen percent of the UK population lives in coastal towns and communities (CTCs), many of which have experienced rapid socio-economic decline. The healthcare needs (including sexual healthcare) of those living in these areas are unclear. We will undertake preliminary research to support the development of a cohort (Socially Assessing the Needs and Determinants of Health, SANDS) in Lincolnshire that will be used to determine the key health determinants, elucidate the socioeconomic/geographical factors that affect health equity and identify public health interventions that may be effective and cost-effective in deprived CTCs.

Findings will inform public health interventions that may be effective and cost-effective in deprived coastal towns and communities (CTCs).




People living in coastal communities


July 12, 2024

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