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Systematic review of case-finding and linkage to care for individuals with HBV

Theme B

Whilst the burden of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the UK is high in people born outside the UK and other underserved populations, many people remain undiagnosed. We will perform a systematic review of HBV case-finding and linkage to care interventions.

Findings will support local/national policymakers, commissioners and service providers in optimising existing interventions, implementing new feasible, acceptable and value-for-money interventions for viral hepatitis elimination, and identifying system gaps and data uncertainties to prioritise further research. The work contributes to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) targets and indicators, with results feeding into cost-effectiveness models of case-finding interventions and treatment. Increased and improved provision of appropriate services is essential to ensure the high levels of testing and treatment coverage needed to progress towards the World Health Organization (WHO) goal to eliminate HBV as a major public health threat in the UK.


Hepatitis B




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July 22, 2024

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