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Characterising sexual partners and partnerships among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) in the UK

Theme A

The ways in which people, including GBMSM, meet their sexual partners is ever evolving. HIV prevention, treatment and improved control have better enabled GBMSM to live their sexual lives with less fear. An up-to-date understanding of STI transmission dynamics among this population is essential to facilitate an effective and equitable public health response. Partnering with GBMSM community groups, we will produce the first quantitative description of sexual partners and partnership characteristics among GBMSM in the UK.

Findings will inform the development of a larger funding application on the characteristics of GBMSM social and sexual networks, with the aim of understanding STI transmission dynamics, and the context in which partner-based prevention interventions take place to maximise individual and public health gain.


Sexually transmitted infections





August 14, 2024

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