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NEXUS: Sociodemographic, behavioural and attitudinal drivers of syphilis and other STIs/blood-borne viruses (BBVs) among heterosexual-identifying people in England

Theme A

England has seen an escalation in new syphilis diagnoses. Whilst gay, bisexual and other MSM account for most cases, there is evidence of syphilis re-emergence among heterosexuals.  We studied the risk factors, lifestyles and contexts facilitating syphilis transmission among men and women in England who identify as heterosexual.

Findings will provide insight into the recent increase in syphilis incidence among this population, informing the response in terms of prevention, clinical practice and public health policy. The insight we generate will be used to update national guidance on STI/BBV outbreak management and testing/vaccination policy and deliver relevant public health messaging.






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July 12, 2024

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