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Dr Caisey Pulford

Principal Scientist, UKHSA

Principal Scientist, Blood Safety, Hepatitis, STIs and HIV Division, UKHSA


Caisey Pulford is a Principal Scientist in the Blood Safety, Hepatitis, STI, and HIV Division at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). She obtained her PhD in Genomic Epidemiology from the University of Liverpool in 2020, in which she developed a love for public health. Since then, Caisey has held various positions within UKHSA, which have focused on infectious disease surveillance, outbreak response, and research.

Caisey currently sits within the Programme Delivery and Service Improvement team at UKHSA, where she coordinates work to review the strategic approach to STIs in England in response to rising rates seen over the past decade. This work aims to control STIs to reduce adverse health outcomes and health inequalities and considers how we can practically prioritise, optimise and tailor existing and emerging interventions to ensure they reach the right populations at the right time and in the right way. Her work with the HPRU has included involvement in the Reducing Inequalities in Sexual Health (RiiSH) surveys and understanding the acceptability and perceived benefits and harms of reducing screening frequency for STIs among GBMSM (FroSTI).

Caisey has a keen interest in translating and operationalising the knowledge and data generated through surveillance, research and beyond into tangible actions that improve public health outcomes for the population.