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A national audit of the management pathways for new HIV diagnoses


Ergul Kaide, Hilary Curtis, Andrew Freedman, Sara Croxford, Fiona Burns, Caroline Sabin, David R Chadwick, Ann Sullivan, BHIVA Audit and Standards Subcommittee


The British HIV Association recommends that new diagnoses be reviewed by an HIV specialist within two weeks. NHS England outcome measures include the proportion of new diagnoses commencing antiretroviral therapy (ART) within 91 days. We aimed to review the extent to which these recommendations were followed, to explore the topics discussed with new diagnoses, and to identify reasons behind delayed ART initiation. UK specialist HIV services were invited to retrospectively review the notes of their last 40 new diagnoses over a 15-month period. One-hundred and thirty-two services provided data for 2281 eligible individuals. Most new diagnoses were reviewed by a specialist within two weeks (67.7%) and were commenced on ART within 91 days (83%), however, there were some concerning delays in those tested at home and in general practice. Partner notification and treatment benefits were discussed with most individuals, unlike the availability of community support and U = U ("undetectable equals untransmittable"). Lengthy delays in ART initiation were mostly due to individuals initially declining ART or missing appointments. Our findings suggest a need for more streamlined pathways into HIV care, review of new diagnoses who have not commenced ART within 8 weeks, and protocol development to ensure discussion of relevant topics.


Kaide, E., Curtis, H., Freedman, A., Croxford, S., Burns, F., Sabin, C., Chadwick, D. R., Sullivan, A., & BHIVA Audit and Standards Subcommittee (2021). A national audit of the management pathways for new HIV diagnoses. International journal of STD & AIDS, 32(8), 710–717.

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February 3, 2021

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