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July 22, 2024

BASHH Conference 2024

This year at the BASHH conference, we shared how involving and engaging patients and the public is essential for mathematical modeling.

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HPRU researchers who attended the BASHH 2024 conference.

During the BASHH 2024 Conference, we provided an overview of common models used, their importance for informing policy and programme planning, and why we need to include stakeholders and people with lived experience.

Why use mathematical models?

Mathematical models in sexual health and blood-borne virus (BBV) research are powerful tools used to understand, predict, and control the spread of infections like HIV, hepatitis B and C, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These models use mathematical and statistical techniques to simulate the dynamics of disease transmission, the impact of various interventions, and the progression of epidemics.

Why involve people with lived experience?

Involving people with lived experience can provide valuable insights into real-world behaviors, social contexts, and barriers to accessing healthcare. Lived experiences can guide the collection of more relevant and accurate data, ensuring that models incorporate realistic parameters. This can include nuances of sexual practices, drug use patterns, and healthcare-seeking behaviors that might be overlooked by researchers without direct experience. Additionally, involving individuals with lived experience in model development fosters trust and buy-in from the communities affected by these health issues.

How can I get involved?

If you're interested in getting involved in our research, please visit our open opportunities or contact us.

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